Lapis Lazuli Crystal

Discover the Power of Lapis Lazuli: Healing, Metaphysical Properties, and Benefits

Lapis lazuli crystal, with its deep, celestial blue hue, has been a symbol of royalty, wisdom, and truth for millennia. This enchanting stone, often flecked with gold, has captivated humanity's imagination since ancient times. From the tombs of Pharaohs to the canvases of Renaissance artists, lapis lazuli has woven itself into the fabric of human history. But beyond its aesthetic appeal, this crystal holds a profound significance that transcends cultures and ages. In this blog, we will delve into the lapis lazuli crystal, exploring its meaning, properties, benefits, and much more. Join us on this journey to uncover the timeless allure of lapis lazuli.

Lapis Lazuli Crystal Properties & Benefits

Lapis Lazuli Crystal

Formation and Mining of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a metamorphic rock formed through the process of contact metamorphism, where limestone or marble undergoes changes due to heat and pressure from nearby magma or tectonic activity. This transformation results in the creation of this stunning blue crystal, characterized by its rich azure color, which is often interspersed with streaks or flecks of gold from pyrite inclusions.

The primary sources of lapis lazuli are found in Afghanistan, particularly the Sar-e-Sang mines in the Badakhshan region, which have been mined for over 6,000 years. Other notable locations include Chile, Russia, and the United States, each offering slight variations in color and quality. Afghan lapis lazuli is renowned for its intense blue color and high-quality pyrite inclusions, while Chilean specimens may exhibit a lighter blue shade and more calcite.

Properties of Lapis Lazuli




The lapis lazuli color ranges from deep blue to royal blue, often with gold flecks of pyrite and white streaks of calcite.

Crystal Structure

Isometric, usually forming in dodecahedra or cubic structures.


5 to 5.5 on the Mohs scale.


Opaque, with a waxy to vitreous luster.

Chemical Composition

Primarily composed of lazurite, along with calcite, pyrite, and minor minerals.


Primarily associated with the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) and the Third Eye Chakra (Ajna).

Astrological Sign

Sagittarius and Libra.

Numerical Vibration

3, resonating with creativity and communication.


Afghanistan, Chile, Russia, United States, Italy.


Common in its original mining locations, but high-quality specimens are considered rare.

Physical Conditions

Believed to aid in issues related to the throat, respiratory system, and immune system.

Emotional Conditions

Enhances self-awareness, self-expression, and harmony in relationships.

Spiritual Purposes

Used for spiritual growth, enlightenment, and accessing higher knowledge.

Lapis lazuli's vibrant blue color is due to the presence of the mineral lazurite, which forms the base of this captivating stone. This color has been highly prized throughout history, symbolizing the heavens, wisdom, and truth. The intensity of the lapis lazuli color can vary depending on the amount of calcite and pyrite present, with the most sought-after stones displaying a uniform deep blue with minimal impurities.

Lapis Lazuli Crystal Meaning

Lapis lazuli crystal, often referred to as the "Stone of Truth and Wisdom," holds profound significance across various cultures and civilizations. Its deep blue hue symbolizes the heavens, invoking a sense of peace and serenity. Historically, lapis lazuli was believed to provide protection, enhance self-awareness, and reveal inner truths, making it a favored amulet for philosophers, rulers, and spiritual seekers. This crystal's meaning encompasses a blend of intellectual enlightenment and spiritual insight, promoting clarity, creativity, and emotional healing, thus serving as a powerful conduit for connecting the mind, body, and spirit.

Lapis Lazuli Crystal Meaning

Lapis Lazuli Crystal Properties

Lapis Lazuli Healing Properties

Lapis lazuli is not only admired for its beauty but also for its significant healing properties, which have been valued throughout history:

Throat and Respiratory Health: Lapis lazuli is closely linked to the Throat Chakra, which governs communication and expression. This connection makes it a valuable stone for soothing throat ailments, reducing inflammation, and supporting overall respiratory health. It's often used to alleviate conditions like sore throats, laryngitis, and bronchitis.

Immune System Support: The stone is believed to enhance the immune system, helping the body fend off illnesses and infections. By boosting the immune response, lapis lazuli aids in maintaining overall physical health and resilience.

Pain Relief: Known for its ability to relieve pain, especially headaches and migraines, lapis lazuli can be placed on the forehead or worn as jewelry to alleviate discomfort. Its calming properties help reduce tension and stress, which can often lead to pain relief.

Detoxification: Lapis lazuli is thought to have detoxifying effects on the body. It is believed to cleanse the blood and support the liver, aiding in the elimination of toxins and promoting a healthier body.

Lapis Lazuli Metaphysical Properties

Beyond its physical healing benefits, lapis lazuli is renowned for its powerful metaphysical properties:

Enhanced Communication: As a stone of truth and communication, lapis lazuli helps individuals express themselves clearly and confidently. It encourages honesty and integrity in communication, making it easier to articulate thoughts and emotions.

Spiritual Growth and Enlightenment: Associated with the Third Eye Chakra, lapis lazuli enhances spiritual awareness and insight. It is used to deepen meditation practices, facilitating a connection with higher consciousness and spiritual guidance. This stone helps in accessing and understanding deeper truths about oneself and the universe.

Protection and Purification: Historically, lapis lazuli has been used as a protective stone. It is believed to shield the wearer from negative energies, psychic attacks, and harmful influences. By purifying the aura, it promotes a sense of peace and security.

Emotional Healing and Balance: Lapis lazuli has a calming influence on the mind and emotions, making it a powerful stone for emotional healing. It helps alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression, fostering a sense of inner peace and tranquility. The stone encourages self-awareness and self-acceptance, aiding in emotional balance and stability.

Intellectual Clarity and Creativity: Lapis lazuli stimulates the intellect, enhancing cognitive abilities and memory. It is known to inspire creativity and innovation, making it a favored stone for artists, writers, and anyone engaged in creative endeavors. By promoting clear thinking and problem-solving, it supports intellectual pursuits and decision-making.

By incorporating lapis lazuli into one's life, whether through meditation, wearing it as jewelry, or simply keeping it close, individuals can benefit from its extensive healing and metaphysical properties, promoting physical well-being, emotional harmony, and spiritual growth.

Lapis Lazuli Benefits

Lapis lazuli crystal offers a myriad of benefits that span physical, emotional, and spiritual realms. Its healing properties support throat and respiratory health, bolster the immune system, alleviate pain, and detoxify the body. Emotionally, it fosters inner peace, relieves stress, and promotes self-awareness and acceptance. Spiritually, lapis lazuli enhances communication, protects against negative energies, and aids in spiritual growth and enlightenment. Its ability to stimulate intellectual clarity and creativity makes it an invaluable ally for anyone seeking a holistic approach to well-being, integrating body, mind, and spirit in harmonious balance.

How to Use Lapis Lazuli

Tips for Using and Caring for Lapis Lazuli

Using lapis lazuli effectively involves both incorporating it into daily life and ensuring it is well cared for to maintain its beauty and potency. Here are some tips:

Wearing Lapis Lazuli: One of the most common ways to benefit from lapis lazuli is by wearing it as jewelry. Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings made of lapis lazuli keep the stone close to your body, allowing you to absorb its energies throughout the day.

Meditation and Chakra Work: Place a lapis lazuli crystal on your Third Eye or Throat Chakra during meditation to enhance spiritual insight and communication. Holding the stone while meditating can also help deepen your practice and promote a sense of peace and clarity.

Home and Office Decor: Incorporate lapis lazuli into your living or work space to benefit from its calming and protective energies. You can place lapis lazuli stones on your desk, in your living room, or in any area where you need to boost communication, creativity, and tranquility.

Elixirs and Baths: Some people create crystal elixirs by placing a lapis lazuli stone in a container of water and leaving it in the sun or moonlight for several hours. The resulting elixir can be used for drinking or bathing to absorb the stone's healing properties.

Caring for Lapis Lazuli: To keep lapis lazuli in optimal condition, avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures. Clean it gently with a soft cloth and mild soap, and recharge its energies by placing it under the moonlight or burying it in the earth overnight.

Uses in Jewelry and Modern Decoration

Lapis lazuli's striking color and unique appearance make it a popular choice for various applications beyond traditional uses:

Jewelry: Lapis lazuli is a favored material for creating stunning jewelry pieces. Its deep blue color, often speckled with gold pyrite, makes it ideal for statement necklaces, elegant bracelets, sophisticated earrings, and eye-catching rings. Wearing lapis lazuli jewelry not only enhances one's appearance but also allows the wearer to benefit from its healing properties.

Modern Decoration: In modern decor, lapis lazuli is used to create luxurious items such as inlaid tabletops, decorative vases, and intricate mosaic tiles. Its rich color adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any interior design, making it a popular choice for high-end home and office decor.

Art and Sculpture: Artists and sculptors have long admired lapis lazuli for its vivid color and workability. It has been used historically in art pieces, and continues to be used in contemporary sculptures, carvings, and even fine art paints. The pigment derived from lapis lazuli, known as ultramarine, was prized by Renaissance painters and remains a valued color in modern art.

Healing Practices: Beyond its aesthetic uses, lapis lazuli is a staple in crystal healing practices. It can be placed on the body during healing sessions, used in crystal grids, or kept in personal spaces to promote health and well-being.

By integrating lapis lazuli into various aspects of daily life, individuals can enjoy both its aesthetic beauty and its myriad of physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. Whether used in jewelry, decor, or healing practices, lapis lazuli remains a timeless stone of great value and significance.


Lapis lazuli crystal, with its stunning deep blue color and gold flecks, offers a wealth of benefits. It supports physical health, enhances emotional balance, and promotes spiritual growth. Whether worn as jewelry, used in meditation, or placed in your home, lapis lazuli can bring tranquility, protection, and creativity into your life.

We invite you to explore the benefits of lapis lazuli for yourself. Visit Capella Gem store to discover our beautiful lapis lazuli crystal bracelet and start your journey towards enhanced well-being today.

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